Sunday, May 5, 2024

Waiting on the mail

At a stopping point waiting for paint for the interior of the frame, it was time to find some other things to accomplish this weekend. These connect the rear strut rods and the rear shock absorbers to the rear trailing arms. They are small and are left 'natural' or unpainted, though doing that would allow them to rust so they were blasted and painted with a flat metallic paint to look like raw cast iron.

Next, the battery box was sanded and some experimentation was made to see how to clean the underside of the car's body.

Once the quart of primer that was ordered shows up, this will be primed and readied for paint and a touch of body color as this spot received a lot of overspray in the factory as the body was painted. That will be duplicated here before the rest of this area is blacked out.

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